Tax advice
- Ongoing tax advice to natural persons and legal entities domiciled in Germany or abroad
- Preparation of any relevant tax filings, incl. E-balance sheets
- Preparation of tax returns for foreign companies
- Calculation of deferred taxes pursuant to different accounting standards
- Taxation of domestic and cross-border movements of goods and services,
- Recapitulative statements regarding international transactions
Preparation of annual accounts
- Annual accounts (German Commercial Code, IFRS and US-GAAP)
Tax optimisation
- Optimisation of corporate structures, especially of internationally operating investors or corporate groups, including implementation support
- Monitoring of existing structures for compliance with legislative developments
Investment tax law
- Tax returns for the determination of the tax base (sec. 180 of the German Tax Code) for investments in foreign partnerships or investments of foreign investors in German partnerships
- Fund tax reporting under the German Investment Tax Act, incl. the issue of tax adviser‘s / auditor‘s certificates in accordance with statutory requirements
- Tax returns under the German Foreign Tax Act
- Filings with the Central Agency for Taxes for for the refund of contributions under sec. 27 of the German Corporate Income Tax Act
- Auditing of funds
- Tax returns for investment companies under sec. 18 Investment Tax Act / sec. 180 para 1 no. 2 Tax Code
Counselling on tax audits
- Representation in dealings with tax authorities
- Tax audits and special VAT audits, incl. digital evaluation